On October 19, 2021, experts in the field of education and protection of children gathered for an online conference to launch a unique project to prevent and combat gender-based violence among children. Terre des hommes delegations in Romania, Moldova and Ukraine discussed mechanisms for intervention over the next two years in 25 schools in Romania, Moldova and Ukraine under the ACTIV project "Actions against Violence". Specialists and local authorities from the three countries also spoke about the mechanisms and best practices in preventing violence among children.
Conference recording is available by the link.
Agenda of the event (the event was held in Romanian and Russian, with simultaneous translation)
o Daniela Gheorghe, Moderator, Executive Director, Federation of Non-Governmental Children's Organizations, Introduction
o Laura Sava Ghica, Deputy Director of the Romanian Terre des hommes Foundation, foreword
o Adina Mihaela Codreș, Senior Adviser, National Body for the Human Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Children and Adoption in Romania, The Role of Measures to Prevent Gender-Based Violence in Schools for Respect for Children's Rights
o (by agreement) Romanian Ministry of National Education, The role of the school in preventing violence among students: existing mechanisms and best practices in Romania
o Irina Costache, researcher: Manifestation of gender norms in the school environment and their consequences
o Elena Cofaru, Project Manager, Terre des hommes Foundation, ACTIV Project Overview - Actions Against Violence
o Teodora Rebeja, National Coordinator, Terre des hommes Foundation Moldova, Presentation of the ACTIV project - "Actions against Violence" in Moldova
o Angela Mușenco, Head of the Department of Education from Soroca District, Republic of Moldova, The role of the school in preventing violence among students: existing mechanisms and best practices of the Republic of Moldova
o Serhii Dakhno, National Coordinator, Terre des hommes Foundation in Ukraine, Presentation of the ACTIV project - "Actions against Violence" in Ukraine
The project is implemented by Fundația Terre des hommes Elveția (România), in partnership with Reprezentanța din Republica Moldova a Fundației Terre des Hommes Lausanne – Elveția та The Separate Division of Terre des Hommes Foundation in Ukraine and receives funding of 194,067 euros under the @Active Citizens Fund Romania, funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through EEA Grants 2014-2021. The content of this article does not necessarily reflect the official position of EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021. For more information visit www.eeagrants.org. More details about Active Citizens Fund Romania can be found on the website www.activecitizensfund.ro.
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