Projects for children affected by migration

Projects for children affected by migration

In Ukraine, migration affects children in different ways: some children migrate with their parents or stay at home, while others return or come here for the first time. In order to improve the policy on labor migration of parents and the protection of the rights of their children, we implement projects and conduct research to transfer the results and practices to the relevant institutions.

Поточні проєкти

Завершені проєкти


Thus, our mobile team visited the village of c. Medynia and conducted a creative psychosocial session for children aged 12 and older, aimed at improving their psycho-emotional state and unleashing their creative potential in a team game.  Participants actively interacted with each other,…
It was the first training that we organized for our partners who will implement the project in Kharkiv, Mykolaiv, and Odesa regions. For three days, the participants studied the basics of the psychosocial approach, got acquainted with the methodology, developed their own lesson plans, and worked…
We are pleased to announce that in partnership with the Smile UA Charitable Foundation and NEEKA Ukraine, we are launching a new project funded by the Humanitarian Fund for Ukraine. And today we have completed a kick-off meeting with our new partners to discuss our cooperation and further actions…
On June 25-27, we organized a training for 23 professionals working with children and youth from Ivano-Frankivsk and Dnipro regions on the new methodology "Move On & Engage". This new methodology aims to sensitize adolescents and young people to five important skills that will enable them to…
Over the past week, thanks to the financial support of the Humanitarian Fund for Ukraine, we have provided crucial assistance in the form of energy saving kits to 37 communities in six regions of Ukraine. These communities are located in the frontline areas of Chernihiv, Sumy, Kharkiv, Dnipro,…
This is the day when we remind ourselves of the importance of protecting the rights and well-being of every child. Our team is dedicated to ensuring that every child can live in a world where their rights are protected and opportunities for development are unlimited. Today we want to thank…


There are a number of reasons why parents move abroad. Of course, the reasons vary. The main ones are job loss, the security situation in Ukraine, children's education abroad, etc. At the same time, after their parents leave, children face difficulties that they sometimes cannot overcome on their…
Any changes in the way we live require some effort to overcome difficulties and adapt to them. Each of us has the resources necessary for this, the difference is that the time and opportunities to use these resources are different for everyone. The decision to go to work abroad is a responsible…
The phenomenon of migration is well known to the population of the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine.  Going abroad to work is associated mainly with the desire of adults to satisfy their needs related to home, family, health, upbringing and development of children.  Some adults are more concerned…
In late 2021 and early 2022, we inquired about the situation of children who were left behind after their parents temporarily went abroad to work. We wanted to find out how children's rights (in the areas of education, health, relationships, etc.) are violated in this situation. We also wanted to…