Parents went abroad and children stayed at home? Answers for professionals


The phenomenon of migration is well known to the population of the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine.  Going abroad to work is associated mainly with the desire of adults to satisfy their needs related to home, family, health, upbringing and development of children.  Some adults are more concerned about the well-being of their families, while others are looking for opportunities to gain experience and professional growth.  The reasons for migration are very diverse.  Going abroad to work can be short-term, for a certain period of time, or long-term, for an indefinite period.

The decision to go abroad is a kind of challenge, sometimes a risky one, which involves costs and gains, ignorance and change. In most cases, parents do not have the opportunity to take their children abroad with them right away.  Or they do not even consider this option because they intend to return home.  Thus, children remain in the care of grandparents, close relatives or other persons.

In this brochure, we address child protection professionals with recommendations for actions aimed at ensuring the protection and safety of children whose parents intend to or have already gone abroad to work.

Date published
Terre des hommes в Україні
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