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Welcome to the official website of the Terre des hommes Foundation in Ukraine!
War in Ukraine: support for internally displaced families (Video)

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The goal of the classes is to unleash the creative potential of children in team play and improve their psycho-emotional state. During these classes, participants actively interact with each other and realize their ideas through various creative exercises. During the sessions, children also fill…
As part of the international project “CASTLE - Children Out of Sight” implemented in Ukraine from 2021 to 2023, we have created a series of materials to help parents and children in the process of labor migration. These materials include: The results of the study “How to support children after…
For two days, 14 representatives of partner organizations from Khmelnytskyi, Dnipro, and Ivano-Frankivsk regions learned the basic principles of the methodology for creating and supporting children and youth advisory councils. This new methodology was developed by the Terre des Hommes European…
Last week, we organized a three-day training for 22 facilitators of educational spaces and specialists of mobile brigades from Khmelnytsky and Dnipropetrovs'k oblasts, where they gained knowledge and practical skills that will help them work with young people to strengthen their resilience and…
 The first was a training on case management in child protection: During the training, the participants gained a deep understanding of the basic concepts of child protection in emergencies, and learned about the principles and ethical aspects of case management. We reviewed all stages of case…
Thus, our mobile team visited the village of c. Medynia and conducted a creative psychosocial session for children aged 12 and older, aimed at improving their psycho-emotional state and unleashing their creative potential in a team game.  Participants actively interacted with each other,…

Every child has the right to a childhood. It`s that simple.

Terre des hommes (Tdh) is the leading Swiss organisation for children’s aid. Through our health, protection and emergency relief programmes, we provide assistance to over four million children and their families in around 40 countries each year.

Terre des hommes has been active in Ukraine since 2015, helping to improve the child protection system, welfare reform and facilitating children's participation in developing one's own community.

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There are a number of reasons why parents move abroad. Of course, the reasons vary. The main ones are job loss, the security situation in Ukraine, children's education abroad, etc. At the same time, after their parents leave, children face difficulties that they sometimes cannot overcome on their…
Any changes in the way we live require some effort to overcome difficulties and adapt to them. Each of us has the resources necessary for this, the difference is that the time and opportunities to use these resources are different for everyone. The decision to go to work abroad is a responsible…
The phenomenon of migration is well known to the population of the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine.  Going abroad to work is associated mainly with the desire of adults to satisfy their needs related to home, family, health, upbringing and development of children.  Some adults are more concerned…