Psychosocial support through creativity and interaction

Classes with children

At a regular psychosocial support session, we created an atmosphere of trust, mutual understanding and creativity.

What did we do?

  • “Ringing chain” - getting to know each other and setting up for the lesson
  • “Me and you” - a movement that helped to unite children
  • “The Path” - an exercise to develop communication skills and the ability to negotiate
  • Painting wooden toys - creative relaxation that helped to relieve tension and unleash creative potential

Creativity is the key to emotional balance!

The children not only learned to listen to each other and find common solutions, but also expressed their feelings through art. I always use creative exercises because they help children better understand their emotions and feel more balanced.

“In the classroom, I really like to see the children's sincere emotions, to watch them enjoy themselves and learn something new. I especially like it when my colleague and I use various creative exercises where children's imaginations are unleashed and they have the opportunity to put their thoughts on paper. It's a great joy for me personally to see their response, it really inspires and encourages me to develop even more interesting activities,” says Oleksandra Tregub, project assistant.

Each lesson is another step towards the emotional well-being of children.

The “Being Here” project is implemented by three partner organizations - Terre des hommes Ukraine, Smile UA Charitable Foundation and NEEKA Ukraine with the support of the Humanitarian Foundation for Ukraine.

UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs / OCHA Ukraine