ProAction - Improving Access to Housing, Education and Quality Social Services for Children and Families in Ukraine

Due to the war in Ukraine, which has been going on since February 2022, thousands of families have moved from their places of permanent residence to neighboring safe areas or to the West of Ukraine. Currently, the social support system is not fully operational due to the heavy workload. Many families need psychological support, material assistance, or simply access to quality services and education.

SwS project

The project "ProAction (Protection in action) - Improving Access to Housing, Education and Quality Social Services for Children and Families in Ukraine" was implemented in three regions - Ivano-Frankivsk, Khmelnytskyi and Dnipro - and helped support families with children affected by the war.

Within the framework of the project, Terre des hommes Ukraine and four partner organizations - the Charity Fund "Zakhid Shans", Charity Fund "Posmishka UA", NGO "World in Colors", and NGO "Rehabilitation and Recovery Center" - worked together and achieved the following goals:

  • 30 learning spaces in targeted areas where children and youth can improve their education are created, properly equipped and maintained;
  • 8,997 children and youth visited learning spaces where they were able to improve their educational skills and psychosocial well-being;
  • 146 specialists were trained and improved their professional level in the field of MHPSS as a result of thematic trainings conducted by project experts;
  • 100 child-friendly spaces were created and equipped, where about 25,000 children and youth received psychosocial support from Tdh-trained facilitators;
  • 6,433 children, youth and their parents attended MHPSS classes, which helped improve their psychosocial well-being and provided them with knowledge and tools to increase their own psycho-emotional resources;
  • 89 social workers and social protection specialists were trained and improved their professional level in case management as a result of thematic trainings conducted by project experts;
  • 2,409 families with vulnerable children and youth received case management services in the field of child protection, including sessions/activities to raise awareness of protection and risk issues;
  • 1,690 children / 720 families received multi-purpose financial assistance;
  • 31 IDP centers have expanded their functionality and improved living conditions thanks to infrastructure support and equipment provided by the project;
  • 821 families / 2,463 people (1,699 adults and 764 children) gained access to safe, adapted living conditions in IDP centers.

The project will be completed in April 2024.

Проєкт впроваджується:

The project "ProAction - Improving Access to Housing, Education and Quality Social Services for Children and Families in Ukraine" is implemented by five partner organizations - Terre des Hommes Foundation in Ukraine, NGO "Zahid Shans", NGO "Posmishka UA", NGO "World in Colors", and NGO "Rehabilitation and Recovery Center", with funding from the Swiss Solidarity Foundation and the Crisis and Support Center of the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs.

Crisis and Support Center of the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs of France

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