Our trainers conducted a four-day training for our colleagues on "Teaching young people and adults to organize and implement social projects through creativity using the YouCreate methodology."
"The main goal of the training was to familiarize participants with the YouCreate methodology, provide coaching skills, and implement the project to bring about qualitative changes in the community through creative initiatives. For four days, colleagues were immersed in creating their own projects, demonstrating leadership skills and gaining experience in developing group processes and their formation," says Yana Moroz, a trainer and psychologist at Tdh in Ukraine.
The participants of the training received irreplaceable knowledge and skills:
- Learned the basics of coaching and training preparation;
- Learned the key principles of the YouCreate methodology for youth and adults;
- Mastered the practice of managing the group's activities to achieve qualitative changes in the community through creative projects;
- Considered the concepts of "art", "well-being", "social art-action", "youth leader" and mastered the basic methods of using creativity to enrich positive life experience.
"The training was very intense, creative and positive! I really liked the YouCreate program - it's a great example of how to engage young people in changes in their communities and not wait for someone else to do it for you. It was easy for me to absorb the material due to the atmosphere of respect for each other," says Konstantin Bugayevsky, a psychologist at Tdh Ukraine.
We thank our trainers for their energy and dedication, as well as all participants for their active participation and interest in their own development!