The international conference ”Families without borders in Ukraine and Moldova. Preliminary conclusions of a unique research on transnational families” will take place on June 7th at 09am CET / 10am Kyiv time.
We invite you to virtually meet and listen to representatives of public institutions, academia and non-governmental organizations from Romania, Moldova and Ukraine. (Registration by the link)
The team of an international project will bring into public attention the preliminary conclusions of an inovative research undergone at the end of 2021 and beginning of 2022, by three research institutions, coordinated by the Centre for the Study of Transnational Families within the Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj.
Confirmed speaker (so far) :
Dr. habil. Viorela Telegdi Csetri
Dr. Áron Telegdi Csetri
Dr Mihaela Hărăguș
Transnational families are a functional category of family, with specifics and their own rights. Therefore, they must be questioned, empowered, the world of their lives observed and approached from a multitude of perspectives and in a variety of intersections, such as: minority status of different types including ethnic and diverse families, children as a vulnerable group , human trafficking, divorce, gender, poverty, etc. The research has had a participatory approach (both children and parents were involved as co-researchers), also being designed as action research (implicitly as well as explicitly oriented towards applicative results).
Through this enterprise we wish to contribute to the sustainable consolidation of research on the relationship between labor migration and child protection and to the policy and legislative framework on mobility in Moldova and Ukraine. At the same time, the research is for the benefit of Romania and, more generally, of the EU Member States, where we will be disseminating information, guidance and good practices that promote safe and ethical models of migration for work and that comply with child protection standards. Following publication, the results of the study will be disseminated through policy recommendations to beneficiary countries, training of transnational family members and public authorities, and a media awareness campaign will be developed through NGO partners.
The event will take place within the CASTLE action" Children left behind by labour migration", co-funded by the European Union, contracted by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) through the Migration Partnership Facility (MPF) - ICMPD/2021/MPF-357-004.
The main objective of this project is to support the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine in improving their child protection frameworks and migration and mobility policies, with a focus on the social and legal impact of labor migration on transnational families. To this end, the intervention aims to develop a multigenerational, intersectional and participatory qualitative analysis of children's rights in a transnational family context. More details can be found on: https://fspac.ubbcluj.ro/castleaction/en
This article has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union, contracted by ICMPD through the Migration Partnership Facility.
The contents of this article are the sole responsibility of the Babeș-Bolyai University and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union or ICMPD.
The hybrid event is organized by the Babeș-Bolyai University in partnership with Terre des hommes Foundation (Romania) and will be held in Romanian, with simultaneous translation in English and Ukrainian. The detailed agenda is published here below, and all guests that registered here online (see the link at the beginning of the text) will receive the Zoom link of the event by email.
PARTNERS within the CASTLE project
The Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj. By setting up a research center for the study of transnational families in the structure of Babeș-Bolyai University in Romania, this action aims to promote research and institutionalize the study of transnational families, which is currently not only rare and scattered, but too often is not solution-oriented and is rather disconnected from the field of policy-making, especially with regard to labor migration. Diversity and inclusion considerations will be at the heart of the research and attention will be paid to the risks, needs and opportunities faced by children remaining at home, differentiated according to gender, age and diversity (socio-economic status, ethnicity, education, disability) etc. .), to suggest the design of appropriate protection frameworks.
Terre des hommes (Tdh) is the leading Swiss organisation for children’s aid. Through our health, protection and emergency relief programmes, we provide assistance to over four million children and their families in around 40 countries each year. In Romania, Moldova and Ukraine, Tdh teams act to create a safer environment for children’s development and to protect children against abuse, neglect, and exploitation. We mobilise communities to prevent risk situations and train multi-disciplinary professionals such as social workers and teachers to better protect children.
The Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova (ASEM) is the main public higher education institution with an economic profile in Moldova. The Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova was established in 1991, but has its roots in an educational institution established in 1953. The university has stated its goal of "enabling the integration of higher economic education and scientific research" and "not only develop specialized professionals, but also built a new mentality in the spirit of freedom of thought, action, pragmatism and efficiency of life ".
The Ukrainian Institute for Social Research after Oleksandr Yaremenko is based in Kiev. The main activities of the Institute are: implementation of fundamental and exploratory sociological and social scientific research on the current problems of modern Ukrainian society; monitoring social policy; study and analysis of the interests, dispositions, orientations, needs of the population; conducting various marketing research.