The digital lab was opened on March 10 at the Startup Development Center in Mariupol. The workshop was funded by the U.S. government.
The laboratory was opened with money from the American government. About two million hryvnias were spent on equipment and materials, says Oleksandr Morozov, executive director of the Swiss children's foundation Terre des hommes in Ukraine.
"We are planning to provide more intensive training in digital 3D drawing, as well as provide knowledge and new approaches to developing entrepreneurial skills for young people. These are the young people whom the foundation sees as a vulnerable category, children, teenagers, and families affected by the armed conflict," explains Oleksandr.
For more details, follow the link: https://suspilne.media/112266-u-mariupoli-dla-bezkostovnogo-navcanna-molodi-vidkrili-cifrovu-laboratoriu/