Our mobile teams continue their work in Ivano-Frankivsk region


The goal of the classes is to unleash the creative potential of children in team play and improve their psycho-emotional state. During these classes, participants actively interact with each other and realize their ideas through various creative exercises. During the sessions, children also fill out a questionnaire to better determine whether their psycho-emotional state has improved.

In total, about 60 children from different communities in Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast are participating in the survey, and according to the interim results, the psycho-emotional state of the children who have already attended all the sessions with Tdh psychologists has improved by an average of 10%.


 “We visited the children in the village of Medynia and they once again took part in a survey, which allows us to assess whether the activities we conduct have improved their resilience. The children shared their impressions and said that they were interested and had fun with us,” says Oksana Melnyk, psychologist of the TdH mobile teams.

 The project “ProAction - Access to Quality Educational and Social Services for Children and Families in Ukraine” is implemented by five partner organizations - Terre des Hommes Foundation in Ukraine, Charity Foundation “Zakhid Chance”, Charity Foundation “Smile UA”, NGO “World in Colors” and NGO “Rehabilitation and Recovery Center” with funding from the Swiss Solidarity Foundation.