Gender-based violence in schools has been and remains a common problem. Any unacceptable actions, such as tugging at a pigtail or verbal abuse of sexuality, can be classified as gender-based violence. But are there any algorithms in Ukrainian schools to prevent or combat violence? What to do if you feel offended by peers? Or how to communicate so that your words or actions do not hurt another person?
The ACTIV project - Actions against Violence in Schools is being implemented in Ukraine in five educational institutions. One of the main stages of the project is a study that will help assess the level of awareness of the issue and form a set of actions.
"Now we have completed the stage of conducting focus groups in selected educational institutions," says project manager Serhii Dakhno. During the focus groups, teachers and adolescents took part in surveys on the state of this issue in their schools. It is important for us to understand whether children are sufficiently aware of the concept of violence, whether they distinguish between types of violence; how adults treat violence in schools, there are algorithms for responding to cases of violence "- says Serhii.
Thus, 74 children and 66 adults took part in focus group surveys. The obtained results will be used by experts to develop a methodology and determine the further direction of project activities.
"Upon completion of these surveys, a methodology will be developed that will provide teachers with the necessary knowledge and specific algorithms for action on this topic, and adolescents will be able to create advisory youth councils to prevent and respond to violence at school," said Serhii.
The project is implemented by Fundația Terre des hommes Elveția (România), in partnership with Reprezentanța din Republica Moldova a Fundației Terre des Hommes Lausanne – Elveția та The Separate Division of Terre des Hommes Foundation in Ukraine and receives funding of 194,067 euros under the @Active Citizens Fund Romania, funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through EEA Grants 2014-2021. The content of this article does not necessarily reflect the official position of EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021. For more information visit www.eeagrants.org. More details about Active Citizens Fund Romania can be found on the website www.activecitizensfund.ro.
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