A three-day international colloquium entitled "Transnational Families in Focus" took place on September 14-16 at Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj, where the CASTLE project team invited online guests from academia to discuss the establishment of the "Research Center for the Study of Transnational Families". The meeting was attended by delegates of governments and state institutions from Romania, Moldova, Ukraine and Portugal, academic partners in the project: Ukrainian Institute for Social Research Oleksandr Yaremenko and the Academy of Economic Sciences of the Republic of Moldova, NGO partners: Terre des hommes delegations from Romania, Moldova and Ukraine, as well as numerous guests from the center's academic and civil network. It took place in a hybrid manner - namely in the online space and in the physical locations of the three academic partners, with a group online presence.
The main organizer of the event was Viorela Telegdi-Csetri, Project Manager, and the main Coordinator, Áron Telegdi-Csetri, Research Manager. This meeting was an opportunity for consultation with institutional stakeholders on the action and network of centers and related projects.
Specialists and guests from prestigious institutions had interventions, such as:
• Victor Cebotari, Strategic Advisor to the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, University of Luxembourg, who spoke on "Transnational Families and Children" left behind. Evidence and gaps ”
• Edit Frenyó, Max Weber Postdoctoral Fellow - European University Institute, who presented "Challenges of research and promotion of the interests of transnational families in the EU"
• Beatrice Scutaru, Lecturer in International History, Maynooth University, Ireland, “Children in Migration: Reflections on“ Vulnerability ”and“ The Best Interests of the Child ”
• Daniela Sime, Professor, University of Strathclyde Glasgow, "A Rights Issue: Promoting the Participation of Children and Young People in Family Migration Research"
• Neda Deneva Faje, Researcher, Babeș-Bolyai University, "Transnational families and Eastern European hypermobility"
• Alina Botezat, Senior Researcher, Romanian Academy, Iasi, Romania, spoke on "The impact of parental migration on the educational and psychosocial outcomes of remaining children: evidence from Romania"
• Sergiu Bălțătescu, Professor Habil. Sociology, University of Oradea, showed the differences between "Children left at home by migrant parents in six Eastern European countries"
The three working sessions of the event were coordinated by three researchers from Babeș-Bolyai University: one session on the tools of this unique research were presented by Iulia Hossu, one on the involvement of transnational families as co-researchers in research by Éva László, and one on the vision and purpose of the "Research Center for the Study of Transnational Families” by Mihaela Hărăguș.
The core of the meeting was the consultation with other specialists / researchers on the vision of this center which will be established for the first time in Romania within the CASTLE project, in order to produce high quality research and serve to sustainably strengthen research on the relationship between force migration work and child protection.
Thus, at this meeting they joined the CASTLE team and contributed with opinions and suggestions in support of the Center:
- Weronika Kloc-Nowak (Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw, Poland)
- Helena Grangiea (ProChild CoLAB, Portugal)
- Asgeir Falch-Eriksen (Social Exclusion and Globalisation Academic Unit, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway; Centre for Advanced Research on Integrity, Rights and Inclusion of the Child / CIRIC, Tallinn University, Estonia; Centre for Research on Discretion and Paternalism / DIPA, University of Bergen, Norway)
- Polina Palash (CAREWELL TF Project, UK, France, Spain, Sweden)
- Neda Deneva Faje (EuroCare Network)
- Monica Șerban (Romanian Network for Migration Studies)
- George Jiglău (Centre for the Study of Democracy, BBU, Romania)
- Anatolie Coșciug (Romanian Center for Comparative Migration Studies, BBU, Romania)
One of the ultimate goals of the CASTLE action is to have well-trained national authorities who are aware of the technical policy recommendations to be incorporated with the purpose of supporting transnational families. The project thus aims to improve political and legal frameworks on migration and mobility in Moldova and Ukraine, but also to inform families on the measures to be taken before departure and upon return, in order to better protect children from the negative impact of migration. For these purposes, institutional and civilian delegates from the three partner countries as well as co-interested EU Member States were involved in the colloquim:
Igor Chișca (Manager of the Directorate for Policies for the Protection of the Rights of the Child and Families with Children / Head of the Directorate for Policy on the Protection of Children's Rights and the Rights of Families with Children, Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, Republic of Moldova)
Constanța Gaideu (Consultant, Directorate of Policies for the Protection of the Rights of the Child and Families with Children / Directorate for Policy on the Protection of Children's Rights and the Rights of Families with Children, Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, Republic of Moldova)
Anastasia Zaharia (Consultant, Consultant of the Directia politici ocupationale si de regulare a migratiei / Directorate for Occupational Policy and Regulation of Migration, Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, Republic of Moldova)
Anna Gherganova (Director / Head, Consultant of the Directorate for Occupational Policy and Migration Regulation / Directorate for Occupational Policy and Regulation of Migration, Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, Republic of Moldova)
Corina Marinescu (Senior Councilor, ANPDCA, National Authority for the Protection of the Rights of Children and Adoptions, Romania)
Natalia Chudaeva (Mariupol Social Services, Ukraine)
Sonia Jesus (Immigration and Border Service, Portugal)
Katerina Cherepackha (President, The Road, Ukraine)
Anca Stamin (Project Manager, Save the Children, Romania)
The action ”CASTLE - Children left behind by labour migration” is co-financed by the European Union, contracted by ICMPD (International Centre for Migration Policy Development) through the MPF (Migration Partnership Facility). The contents of this article are the sole responsibility of the Babes-Bolyai University and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union and the one of ICMPD.