A study of transnational families in Ukraine and Moldova: Policy Brief 2


"CASTLE - Children left behind by labour migration: supporting Moldovan and Ukrainian transnational families in the EU" is an action-project that aims to support the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine in improving their child protection frameworks and their migration and mobility policies, with a focus on the social and legal impact of labour migration on transnational families.

Transnational families are a functional category of families, with its own specificities and rights entitlements. Therefore, they need to be inquired, empowered, their life-world observed and addressed from a multitude of perspectives and in a diversity of intersections, such as: minority status of various kinds including ethnic and non-regular families, children as a vulnerable group, trafficking, divorce, gender, poverty etc.

The Research Centre for the Study of Transnational Families set up under the project within the Babeș-Bolyai University of Romania aims to promote research and to institutionalise the study of transnational families, which is currently not only rare and dispersed, but too often it is not solution-oriented and rather disconnected from the policy-making field, especially in relation to labour migration.

By creating and disseminating information, public policy recommendations and best practices that promote safe and ethical labour migration schemes aligned with child protection standards, this action directly supports Moldova and Ukraine as well as Romania and other Member States as destination countries for labour originating in these countries.

The CASTLE project is implemented by Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj, in partnership with Terre des hommes Foundation Romania, Terre des hommes Moldova, Terre des hommes Ukraine, the Ukrainian Institute for Social Research after Oleksandr Yaremenko and the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova.

You can read the full version of the policy brief below.