In April 2021, Terre des hommes Ukraine (Tdh) launched the online platform "Takeover Day" or "Day of the Future Specialist" for active young people in eastern Ukraine who have a civic position and want to participate in decision-making in their community. This platform is an initiative of Tdh and helps young people to get acquainted with professionals and their daily responsibilities, to be involved and understand the processes taking place around them.
According to a 2017 USAID survey, Ukrainians are very interested in community engagement, and almost one in two citizens believe that such activities will improve their living conditions. Young people in eastern Ukraine are motivated to get involved in their communities, but they often lack the skills, time, and peer and adult mentors.
For more details, follow the link: https://acmc.ua/terre-des-hommes-ukrayina-stvoryla-onlajn-platformu-aby-molod-na-shodi-ukrayiny-mala-zmogu-braty-uchast-u-pryjnyatti-rishen/