Today, November 20, is World Children's Day!

Outdoor activities

We celebrate a holiday of mutual understanding and support dedicated to protecting the rights of every child and creating a favorable environment for their development.

It was on this day that the international agreement on childhood, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, was adopted and ratified, which is a key document for the protection and observance of these rights.

Terre des hommes has been working for the benefit of children in 45 countries for over 60 years, providing them with support through health, protection, emergency and humanitarian assistance programs. In Ukraine, we have been actively implementing projects in eastern Ukraine since 2015, helping children and young people in difficult life circumstances. And since 2022, we have been providing support to internally displaced families with children in 12 regions of Ukraine.

We are convinced that our combined efforts and attention will allow every child around the world to feel warmth, understanding and safety. And that every child has the right to a childhood. It is so simple!