For two days, 14 representatives of partner organizations from Khmelnytskyi, Dnipro, and Ivano-Frankivsk regions learned the basic principles of the methodology for creating and supporting children and youth advisory councils.
This new methodology was developed by the Terre des Hommes European Regional Office and adapted to the conditions of a full-scale war in Ukraine to support the realization of children's rights. Children's and youth advisory councils allow for effective work with children and youth, ensuring their active participation in decision-making processes.
- The training program included:
- Familiarization with the basic principles and content of the methodology;
- Forming an idea of how to use this methodology in your work to empower children and youth;
- Gaining practical skills and tools for engaging children in active and meaningful activities that empower them.
- Provide facilitators with practical guidance on how to organize safe and ethical spaces for collaboration between children and adults, as well as structure meetings and sessions of children and youth councils for decision-making processes.
“We hope that this training will be an important step in supporting the realization of the child's right to participation. In the context of the full-scale war in Ukraine, we have faced numerous challenges regarding the fundamental rights of the child, such as the right to safety, education, health, personal development, identity and protection. These challenges emphasize the urgent need to create an environment where children and youth's voices are heard,” says Anastasia Nepran, TdH trainer.
The project “ProAction - Access to Quality Educational and Social Services for Children and Families in Ukraine” is implemented by five partner organizations - Terre des Hommes Foundation in Ukraine, Charity Foundation “Zakhid Chance”, Charity Foundation Smile UA, NGO “World in Colors” and NGO “Center for Rehabilitation and Recovery” with funding from the Swiss Solidarity Foundation.